Interesting article Histamine Intolerance

A very clear and interesting piece about histamine intolerance can be found at I especcially like the picture, that shows how the threshold can get passed,  as a bucket model. The bucket slowly fills up with histamine until it streams over, and symptoms come into existence.

Histamine bucket

Histamine Factsheet at

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19 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I really appreciate the terrific information you are sharing on your blog about histamine intolerance. I have trouble with high histamine foods too. Look forward to your future posts.

  2. has anyone had a skin reaction to histamines? i am 49 , have had rosacea for over a year and am slowly tracking it down to histamines in my diet. There is very little offered as a cure, only pills and potions pushed by every one, particularly the scared medical industry. i have been “almost” a vegan for 30 years, very conscious of my diet. Have found that my favorite foods, bananas, berries, grapes, and now it seems potatoes are terrific offenders. any one with any words of experience, i would be grateful your input. thanks, lucy

    • I get an ‘overnight attack’ of breakouts of hives, rashes, edemas, itching that breaks the skin to bleeding. It always comes with wheat, barley or rye injestion. Never fails to take me over my histamine threshhold!

      Antihistamines have been my only saving blessing but they raise my blood pressure when having to layer to attack ever higher reaching threshholds.

      At some point, I have to stop. NOW I can.

      My USA doctor is the first person to have told me about this.

      P.S. My sister was diagnosed by elimination of other things with Celiacs. Her kiddos have Type III IgG and IgE positive results too.

      My mother’s rheumatic conditions are similar to mine, ideopathic and complex but said to be mild.

      I’d love for a doctor to explain why my spine, ribs and sternum feel like they are squeezed to death, cause so much pain that I’d like to die for relief if I could, and make me feel like I cannot breathe and like I am having a constant heart attack combined with an asthma attack–except I am not.

      Diagnosed with 25 rheumatic disorders and the cause is ideopathic.

      I don’t think so anymore, and I think we know the cause.

      • me top

      • I can only speak for myself and my family, but the squeezing in the chest and heart sensations are digestive related probably. My doctor told me the aorta and our digestive process are connected. So if I eat a lot or food that doesn’t agree with me I will get palpitations until digestion is finished sometimes pretty intensely! The pain in the stomach and abdomen sound like what some of my older kids have and it was fixed by diet change and some meds but a lot can be fixed by eliminating foods that are processed. There are so many additives and chemicals in them. Bread from the shelf is a basic no no. Go to Earth fare and get bread that is gluten and chemical free. Dave’s Bread even the white version is very good and is probably at some regular grocers too. Organic fruits and vegetables are the way to go again avoiding chemicals, pesticides etc. My 20 yr old was in horrible pain and is not anymore. It was mostly diet but he also used to take omeprazole. Its not good to stay on that forever though but it does reduce the symptoms. Whole foods and some supplements will help. Organic delicious apples, a slice or two in between meals help with digestion. Cook with high quality oil–coconut, olive, avocado etc, or ghee. Boil an organic whole chicken for a few hours and strain, put broth in mason jars and use in cooking during the week or just drink a little everyday, very healthy gives vitamins and minerals to our bodies naturally and easy to absorb. (remove the skin first). Google and research but just these simple ideas have helped us a lot! I recommend organic dairy products too and milk, creamer and ice cream made from coconut milk. I am sure you will improve! Blessings~ Patrice

  3. Hello there. My name is Justine, and I am a registered dietitian undertaking a year of diet experimentation. The first diet I am attempting to undergo is a histamine-restricted diet. The whole point of the experiment is to gain dietetic empathy while simultaneously gauging whether or not I have a certain intolerance. I have a number of strange symptoms and am convinced they are somehow related to my diet. I am glad that you have taken it upon yourself to create this blog for mutual sufferers and curious peeps like me alike. I would appreciate any tips you might have about following a histamine-restricted diet and invite you to visit my blog if you’ve any interest:

  4. I have been surfing the web for 5 days in order to find a connection between histamine, SAO enzyme and vitamine B6, and finally I found your blog – thank you, it’s great to find someone who is on the same path! I have been diagnosed prurigo nodularis just a few months back. Doctors say there is no cure but I refuse to believe;) I am convinced that it has a similar background with histamine intolerance. I have a few questions to you but I need to do it another day, it’s getting late!

  5. Oh, my! I have been diagnosed with so many ideopathic rheumatic and allergy issues and told it’s my imagination so many times by doctors not running full labs or testing for IgG or Type III tests….. Thank you for such comprehensive information and links!

    I have a panel of doctors working with me to look at the data.

    Thank you!!!!

  6. Hey there. I love your site! I’ve posted a link to your blog on mine because a lot of what you have posted here is such good information I didn’t need to redo it all. I was hoping you could look at my blog and maybe post a link to mine from yours. Mine is very specific about the link between menopause and histamine. Take a look. Your link on my site is under the science of it tab.

  7. Hi, this is really a good article, contains a lot of information. Only thing, I wish I could understand the marking on each food. I was looking for kind of a key to make it out, what III or IIII, etc. means. It’s also not quite clear as you list all fish are restricted & then a list of fish that are OK?
    If anybody can clarify this for me, I’ll be much obliged.

    • Hello I am having trouble understanding what III or IIII, etc. means as well. Did you get a response?

  8. Hi, I would like to ask you a question regarding pears! Do you react to them? I have seen them on some lists, but not on all, and I would like to know what your personal experience is.

  9. I always spent my half an hour to read this weblog’s
    articles or reviews all the time along with a mug of coffee.

  10. I am so happy that I found this website. It is wonderful to know that someone actually believes there is something wrong but every Dr. seems to be missing it just like all of you. I was diagnoised with Mastocytosis disease ( meaning too many Mast Cells of Histamine) but no Dr. has ever said exactly in laymens terms what all of this was but that is was something bad & when they said disease, of course you will think the worst. I am like a lot you, I have been told that I have so many diseases & Drs. act ike nothing is wrong and then say,Well You Look Like a Picture of Health,so my husband told me to quit wearing make-up to the Drs. office and now they believe me & stuff like this makes me sick on behalf of Dr.s attitudes. I also think a lot of my problems is caused from some foods that I eat because I have to take antihistimines also. Please keep this Blog going. Thank God for this website concerning Histiamines and letting each one reply & not feel guilty. Thank God for someone who does listen and CARE. God Bless!!!

    • I guess this is why my health seemed to be spiraling out of control, but the doc couldnt find anything wrong… After a couple benadrylls, i always felt much better, even my anxiety attacks Calmed down.

  11. Qlqkkkkakkalalkkakakkakakaalalqk

  12. Interesting. Please have a legend as to what your numbers are about after foods. That should be mentioned on every posts that they are used.

  13. dissertation+amour malheureux

    Interesting article Histamine Intolerance | Hitting on HIT

  14. Itch – Histamine stimulates sensory nerve endings which can cause itching.

    Headache/migraine – As histamine stimulates the release of nitrate monoxide, it can cause slight headaches to full-blown migraine attacks.

    Is nítrate monoxide mentioned above- correct? Can’t find anything on it when googling a search… nitric oxide pops up but this is Nit Monxide is a chemical of some sort.. puzzled

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